Wednesday, October 16, 2013

DO YOU SUFFER FROM SMELLY DISCHARGE? Women are accustomed to dealing with body changes throughout each month. However, smelly discharge is an issue that can never be easy to live with. Indeed, over 65% of all women of childbearing age suffer from this unpleasant condition at least once in their lifetime and many of these women have it recur every few weeks. Despite all their efforts, the condition will not go away, which affects their sexual activity, their productivity at work and most of all their self confidence and self esteem. In many cases the problem gets so severe that the odor can be noticed by family and friends. The most likely cause of persistent, pungent, fishy-like odor from smelly discharge is Bacterial Vaginosis, especially if it’s thin and clingy in consistency and milky-white to pale gray or even yellow in color. The symptoms include mild to unbearable itching or burning around the genital area and depending on the severity of this well known medical condition, can in more advanced cases even include pain during urination or sexual intercourse. Bacterial Vaginosis – otherwise commonly known as BV or Bacterial Vaginalis – occurs as a result of bacterial imbalance in the genitals. The vagina naturally contains finely balanced levels of many different types of microorganisms, including harmful and friendly bacteria. One of the main functions of the friendly bacteria – Lactobacilli – is to keep the harmful colonies in check and prevent them from overgrowth. If for any reason the friendly bacteria decrease in number, the harmful bacteria get a chance to multiply, this results in strong vaginal odor, abnormal, smelly discharge, itching, burning and pain. There are various factors that can contribute to this imbalance, including: Over washing Many people believe that Bacterial Vaginosis is a result of poor personal hygiene and worsen the symptoms by washing excessively or using a vaginal douche, unaware that this is one of the main causes of its recurrence. Hormonal changes in the body Hormone fluctuation normally occurs, but is not limited to: before puberty during pregnancy after childbirth before, during or after menopause Taking Antibiotics Antibiotics – that are normally prescribed by doctors to deal with a variety of infections in our bodies – attack and destroy all types of bacteria without any discrimination, including the friendly colonies, which are extremely important for our overall wellbeing. Since the re-growth of the harmful colonies normally occur at a much higher rate, many women suffer from recurrent bouts following antibiotic treatment, especially when this is their choice of treatment to eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis. Multiple sex partners Medical research confirms that women that have multiple sex partners are more predisposed to Bacterial Vaginosis. Having multiple sex partners creates an opportunity to introduce a variety of harmful bacteria into the vagina from different external sources. Is it possible to permanently cure smelly discharge? If you suffer from smelly discharge, it impacts the way you interact with people or the way you feel about yourself, you can change it! It couldn’t be simpler to cure smelly discharge discreetly, economically, permanently and naturally, as long as you are prepared to invest a little time and effort into treating yourself. Permanent cure can only be possible when the causes of this condition have been dealt with, rather than only the symptoms and the natural bacterial balance of the vagina has been effectively restored to its correct levels. This can easily be accomplished by using methods which will focus on : recognizing your trigger factors decreasing the number of harmful bacteria increasing the number of friendly bacteria The most popular ingredients that are used, depending on your body’s needs are: tea tree essential oil that has powerful antibacterial qualities probiotic yogurt, which contains high levels of friendly bacteria cider vinegar, that is effective in normalizing the PH level of the vagina These ingredients are very effective in restoring the bacterial balance of the vagina. When applied in the correct concentration and the right way eliminating smelly discharge becomes very simple. What happens if BV is not treated? If you suffer from smelly discharge, I urge you to treat it as promptly as possible. If Bacterial Vaginosis is left untreated, the harmful bacteria have the ability to travel up inside the female reproductive system, through the cervix, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes, which can potentially lead to serious consequences. Untreated BV can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility or ectopic pregnancies.


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